






Towards Model-Agnostic Rare-Event Simulation with Guarantees


Quantifying and hedging against rare events is ubiquitous in risk-aware modeling and learning. In estimating rare-event probabilities, naive Monte Carlo is inefficient and techniques such as importance sampling have shown to be powerful in speeding up computation. However, to attain statistical guarantees, these techniques typically rely on model structural knowledge that is not always available or amenable to analysis, a challenge that is especially prominent for complex black-box systems such as those arising in AI safety applications. We describe some approaches towards obtaining guarantees for importance sampling with lighter requirements on model knowledge. Specifically, we propose and justify relaxations of classical efficiency notions on several fronts, to account for: 1) over-conservativeness of variance-based criteria in enforcing algorithmic properties; 2) lack of precise geometric knowledge on rare-event sets; and 3) lack of a priori knowledge on the solution when solving optimization problems or training models that are rare-event-aware. We present simple procedures to attain these relaxed efficiency notions and discuss their performances.


报告人:Henry Lam

Henry Lam is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at Columbia University. He received his PhD degree in statistics from Harvard University and was on the faculty of Boston University and the University of Michigan before joining Columbia in 2017. His research interests include Monte Carlo methods, uncertainty quantification, data-driven optimization and rare-event analysis. Henry’s works have been recognized by several venues such as the NSF CAREER Award, NSA Young Investigator Award, JP Morgan Chase Faculty Research Award and Adobe Faculty Research Award. He serves on the editorial boards of Operations Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Applied Probability Journals, Stochastic Models, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, and Queueing Systems, and as the Area Editor in Stochastic Models and Data Science in Operations Research Letters.

Option Pricing by Neural Stochastic Differential Equations:

A Simulation Optimization Approach


The classical option pricing models rely on prior assumptions on the dynamics of the underlying assets. Though empirical evidence shows that these models may partially explain the option prices, their performance may be poor when the actual situations deviate from the assumptions. Neural network models are capable of learning the underlying relationship through the data. However, they require massive amount of data to avoid over-fitting, which is typically not available for option pricing problems. Thus, we propose a new model by integrating neural networks to a classical stochastic differential equation pricing model to balance the model flexibility and the data requirement. Besides, some more specific models are also constructed by using neural network as a model calibration method of the classical models. Furthermore, we show that the training of the model can be formulated into a simulation optimization problem and can be solved in a way that is compatible to the training of neural networks as well. Preliminary numerical results show that our approach appears to work better compared with some existing models. This is a joint work with Shoudao Wang and Nifei Lin.



洪流教授本科毕业于清华大学,博士毕业于美国西北大学。现任复旦大学特聘教授、弘毅讲席教授、大数据学院副院长和管理科学系系主任;曾任香港城市大学管理科学讲座教授,香港科技大学教授和金融工程实验室主任等。洪流教授的研究主要集中在随机运筹学、数据科学、供应链管理、风险管理等领域,在Operations Research和Management Science等UTD期刊上发表论文二十余篇。洪教授目前担任INFORMS仿真分会主席、中国管理现代化研究会风险管理专委会主任、中国运筹学会金融工程和风险管理分会副理事长、《Journal of Operations Research Society of China》的Associate Editor-in-Chief、《Operations Research》的Area Editor和《Management Science》的Associate Editor等。

Actionable Machine Learning for Tackling Distribution Shift


To deploy machine learning algorithms in real-world applications, we must pay attention to distribution shift. When the test distribution differs from the training distribution, there will be a substantial degradation in model performance. To tackle the distribution shift, in this talk, I will present two paradigms with some instantiations. Concretely, I will first discuss how to build machine learning models that are robust to two kinds of distribution shifts, including subpopulation shift and domain shift. I will then discuss how to effectively adapt the trained model to the test distribution with minimal labeled data. The remaining challenges and promising future research directions will also be discussed.



Huaxiu Yao is a Postdoctoral Scholar in Computer Science at Stanford University, working with Prof. Chelsea Finn. Currently, his research focuses on building machine learning models that are robust to distribution shifts. He is also passionate about applying these methods to solve real-world problems with limited data. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from Pennsylvania State University. The results of his work have been published in top-tier venues such as ICML, ICLR, NeurIPS. He organized the MetaLearn workshop at NeurIPS, the pre-training workshop at ICML, and he served as a tutorial speaker at KDD, IJCAI, and AAAI.






贾永楠,1984年生人,河北乐亭人,北京科技大学自动化学院副教授,硕士生导师,中国仿真学会智能物联系统建模与仿真专委会秘书长。2003年考入北京工业大学电子科学与技术系,四年后保送到北京大学师从王龙教授从事水下机器人设计、运动控制及群体行为研究。博士毕业后,进入中国航天科工三院无人机总体单位的系统总体技术岗位工作。两年后,回归高校,后赴匈牙利与匈牙利科学院院士、知名物理学家Tamas Vicsek教授合作开展无人机层级化控制方面的研究。先后获得中国自然科学基金青年项目、博士后科学基金面上项目、ICTP(国际理论物理中心)、中电科集团和鞍钢集团的横向课题等资助。贾永楠在集群领域深耕十余年,发表SCI/EI学术论文十余篇,研究成果受到国内集群领域的关注,发表的集群综述文章是2020年《航空学报》《CJA》最受关注十大热点文章之一(排名第三)。






赵俊博(英文名Jake),现为浙江大学计算机学院百人计划教职(ZJU-100 Young Professor Program)、博士生导师,前连续创业者。目前领导硕士生、博士生20余人团队,主攻方向为人工智能数据侧驱动的算法研究。赵俊博于2019年获得纽约大学计算机博士学位。赵俊博博士师从图灵奖得主、美国两院院士、卷积神经网络发明人Yann LeCun。在博士期间,曾在Facebook人工智能实验室从事研究工作近2年。截止2022年5月,他在Google Scholar上的论文总他引数目近11000次。






吴翼,清华大学交叉信息研究院助理教授,回国前曾任OpenAI全职研究员,研究领域为强化学习的泛化性,多智能体学习,自然语言理解,机器人学习等。2019年在美国加州大学伯克利分校获得博士学位,师从Stuart Russell教授;2014年本科毕业于清华大学交叉信息院计算机科学实验班(姚班)。其代表作包括:NIPS2016最佳论文,Value Iteration Network;多智能体深度强化学习领域最高引用论文,MADDPG算法;以及OpenAI hide-and-seek 项目等。






