

5月27日(周四)20:00-22:00将进行本读书会第一期分享,由读书会发起人、河北大学的王硕老师给大家介绍社会计算的产生、研究现状、研究工具及研究案例,题目 《社会计算:探索新的研究范式》。








参与方式 1:腾讯会议(需报名参加系列读书会。读书会成员可在腾讯会议中开麦交流,向主讲人提问,参与互动)

参与方式 2:集智俱乐部B站直播




  • 时间:5月27日起,每周四晚20:00-22:00

  • 模式:线上闭门读书会;(收费-退款的保证金模式、读书会成员认领解读论文)

  • 费用:399元/人(可看录播视频)







最近有很多朋友报名了社会计算读书会,在和大家沟通的过程中我们发现,对“社会计算” 和 “计算社会科学”这两个词语的理解,不同的人会有很大的差异。这两个领域在相当程度上是交融重合的,本读书会以社会计算为主题词,同时也适合从事计算社会科学等交叉研究的朋友参与。

这里摘录近期文章《“计算社会科学”与 “社会计算”概念辨析与研究热点比较分析》中的对比分析供大家参考。原文见:



图1. 国内社会计算文献关键词共现网络聚类图
图2. 国内计算社会科学文献关键词共现网络聚类图

图3. 国际计算社会科学文献关键词共现网络聚类图

图4. 国际计算社会科学文献关键词共现网络聚类图

从以上数据可以看出,“社会计算” 和 “计算社会科学”两个词语,无论在期刊的选择还是关键词的使用上,是存在非常高的重合的,两者不是非此即彼,而是相互交融且各具特色。

本次集智俱乐部的社会计算读书会,欢迎有相关研究背景的朋友的加入,无论是“社会计算” 、 “计算社会科学”以及任何专业,只要你感兴趣,有一定读论文能力,都非常欢迎!!也期待多元化的讨论碰撞出更多的火花!!



可解释的智能模型/Interpretable Intelligent Models in CSS
  • Wang, Jingyuan, et al. “Alphastock: A buying-winners-and-selling-losers investment strategy using interpretable deep reinforcement attention networks.” Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. 2019.

  • Wang, Jingyuan, et al. “Deep Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Interpretable Multivariate Time Series Prediction.” IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (2020).

  • Wang, Jingyuan, et al. “Multilevel wavelet decomposition network for interpretable time series analysis.” Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. 2018.

  • Wang, Jingyuan, et al. “Empowering A* search algorithms with neural networks for personalized route recommendation.” Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. 2019.

  • Wu, Ning, et al. “Learning Effective Road Network Representation with Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks.” Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. 2020.

  • Lazer, David, and Jason Radford. “Data ex machina: introduction to big data.” Annual Review of Sociology 43 (2017): 19-39.

  • Gao, Jian, Yi-Cheng Zhang, and Tao Zhou. “Computational socioeconomics.” Physics Reports 817 (2019): 1-104.

  • Kou, :, et al. “Deep learning based inverse model for building fire source location and intensity estimation.” Fire Safety Journal 121 (2021): 103310.

隐私保护与数据伦理/ Privacy and Data Ethics in CSS
  • Nov, Oded, and Sunil Wattal. “Social computing privacy concerns: antecedents and effects.” Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems. 2009.

  • Akiti, Chandan, Anna Squicciarini, and Sarah Rajtmajer. “A Semantics-based Approach to Disclosure Classification in User-Generated Online Content.” Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Findings. 2020.

  • 孟小峰, 朱敏杰, and 刘俊旭. “大规模用户隐私风险量化研究.” 信息安全研究 5.9 (2019): 778-788.

  • Debatin, Bernhard. “Ethics, privacy, and self-restraint in social networking.” Privacy online. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011. 47-60.

  • Post, Robert C. “Data privacy and dignitary privacy: Google Spain, the right to be forgotten, and the construction of the public sphere.” Duke LJ 67 (2017): 981.

  • 孟小峰, et al. “数据垄断与其治理模式研究.” 信息安全研究 9 (2019).

  • 孟小峰, 王雷霞, and 刘俊旭. “人工智能时代的数据隐私, 垄断与公平.” 大数据 6.1 (2020): 0.

基于代理的社会现象建模/Agent-based Modeling of Social Phenomena
  • Fioretti, Guido. “Agent-based simulation models in organization science.” Organizational Research Methods 16.2 (2013): 227-242.

  • Gómez-Cruz, Nelson Alfonso, Isabella Loaiza Saa, and Francisco Fernando Ortega Hurtado. “Agent-based simulation in management and organizational studies: a survey.” European Journal of Management and Business Economics (2017).

  • Secchi, Davide, and Martin Neumann. “Agent-based simulation of organizational behavior.” Springer, Cham doi 10 (2016): 978-3.

  • Zhang, Jun Jason, et al. “Cyber-physical-social systems: The state of the art and perspectives.” IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 5.3 (2018): 829-840.

图像分析与文本挖掘/Image Analysis and Text Mining for CSS
  • Wu, Chuhan, et al. “Neural news recommendation with heterogeneous user behavior.” Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP). 2019.

  • Wang, Hongwei, et al. “DKN: Deep knowledge-aware network for news recommendation.” Proceedings of the 2018 world wide web conference. 2018.

  • He, Li, Antonio Páez, and Desheng Liu. “Built environment and violent crime: An environmental audit approach using Google Street View.” Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 66 (2017): 83-95.



复杂系统动力学/Complex System Dynamics in CSS
  • Zhou, Fang, Linyuan Lü, and Manuel Sebastian Mariani. “Fast influencers in complex networks.” Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 74 (2019): 69-83.
  • Vosoughi, Soroush, Deb Roy, and Sinan Aral. “The spread of true and false news online.” Science 359.6380 (2018): 1146-1151.
  • Ni, Shunjiang, Wenguo Weng, and Hui Zhang. “Modeling the effects of social impact on epidemic spreading in complex networks.” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390.23-24 (2011): 4528-4534.
  • Lu, Peng, et al. “The sandpile model and empire dynamics.” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 143 (2021): 110615.
  • Liu, Lu, et al. “Hot streaks in artistic, cultural, and scientific careers.” Nature 559.7714 (2018): 396-399.

社会系统的网络分析/Network analysis of social systems
  • Mariani, Manuel S., and Linyuan Lü. “Network-based ranking in social systems: three challenges.” Journal of Physics: Complexity 1.1 (2020): 011001.
  • Xu, Jia, et al. “Incentive mechanism for multiple cooperative tasks with compatible users in mobile crowd sensing via online communities.” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 19.7 (2019): 1618-1633.
  • Wang, Jiangtao, et al. “Social-network-assisted worker recruitment in mobile crowd sensing.” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 18.7 (2018): 1661-1673.
  • Varga, Attila. “Shorter distances between papers over time are due to more cross-field references and increased citation rate to higher-impact papers.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116.44 (2019): 22094-22099.
  • Xie, Jiarong, et al. “Detecting and modelling real percolation and phase transitions of information on social media.” Nature Human Behaviour (2021): 1-8.
  • Li, Sijia, et al. “The impact of family violence incidents on personality changes: An examination of social media users’ messages in C hina.” PsyCh Journal (2021).
  • Lin, Yu-Ru, et al. “Facetnet: a framework for analyzing communities and their evolutions in dynamic networks.” Proceedings of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web. 2008.
  • Huang, Jianbin, et al. “Density-based shrinkage for revealing hierarchical and overlapping community structure in networks.” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390.11 (2011): 2160-2171.

智慧城市/Smart City
  • Bettencourt, Luís MA. “The origins of scaling in cities.” science 340.6139 (2013): 1438-1441.

  • Blumenstock, Joshua, Gabriel Cadamuro, and Robert On. “Predicting poverty and wealth from mobile phone metadata.” Science 350.6264 (2015): 1073-1076.

  • Ju, Jingrui, Luning Liu, and Yuqiang Feng. “Citizen-centered big data analysis-driven governance intelligence framework for smart cities.” Telecommunications Policy 42.10 (2018): 881-896.

  • He, Li, et al. “Ambient Population and Larceny-Theft: A Spatial Analysis Using Mobile Phone Data.” ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9.6 (2020): 342.

  • Li, Hui-min, et al. “Analyzing the relationship between developed land area and nighttime light emissions of 36 Chinese cities.” Remote Sensing 11.1 (2019): 10.

  • Wang, Lingli, et al. “Voice-Based AI in Call Center Customer Service: Evidence from a Field Experiment.” Call Center Customer Service: Evidence from a Field Experiment (June 22, 2020) (2020).

  • Wang, Chenyang, Yang Gao, and Hui Zhang. “Typical patterns of government response measures and trends for COVID-19 pandemic.” Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Emergency Management using GIS. 2020.


