AI&Public Policy : Frontiers in AI and Applications | Workshop
The Workshop of AI and Public Policy will be held in July 22,23 2017, TsingHua University, Beijing, China. This Workshop aims to discuss the trending topics about artificial intelligence and public policy, with especiall focus on science policy. In the morning of 22 July 2017, we have four guest speakers to give their keynote speeches; and in the afternoon, there will be two parallel sessions. This workshop is collaborately organized by the Swarma Club, Knowledge Lab, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, and the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University.

Workshop Agenda


James Evans, Knowledge Lab, Dept. of Sociology, University of Chicago (Professor)

Lan Xue, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University (Professor)

Dashun Wang, The Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University (Associate Professor)

Yan Xia, Momenta (Co-Founder & Research Director)

Xingyuan Yuan, Colorful Cloud (CEO)

Jiang Zhang, Swarma Club (Founder), Beijing Normal University (Professor)

Yi-Zhuang You, Dept. of Physics, Havard University (Post-doctoral researcher); Dept. of Physics, University of California San Diego (Assistant Professor)
Workshop Arrangement
22nd~23rd, July 2017
Conference Venue – Room 620, School of Public Policy and Management,Tsinghua
Location: Near the East Gate of Tsinghua Campus
Arrival Tip: 19min Walk along Shuangqing Road
Swarma Club
Knowledge Lab, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago
School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University

The working language is English and the MAXIMUM time of presentation for session is 15 minutes.
QR code for sign up or click to read the original
Dongbo Shi,13052388865,
Xiuqin Wang,18101312066,
Ting Wang,17600882047,
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