2.“社会比特币”撑起民主数字世界的天空(A “Social Bitcoin” could sustain a democratic digital world) 

May 3, 3:06 PM From arxiv.org 

by Kaj-Kolja Kleineberg, Dirk Helbing 

(Translated by -李宇峰) 

A multidimensional financial system could provide benefits for individuals, companies, and states. Instead of top-down control, which is destined to eventually fail in a hyperconnected world, a bottom-up creation of value can unleash creative potential and drive innovations. Multiple currency dimensions can represent different externalities and thus enable the design of incentives and feedback mechanisms that foster the ability of complex dynamical systems to self-organize and lead to a more resilient society and sustainable economy. Modern information and communication technologies play a crucial role in this process, as Web 2.0 and online social networks promote cooperation and collaboration on unprecedented scales. Within this contribution, we discuss how one dimension of a multidimensional currency system could represent socio-digital capital (Social Bitcoins) that can be generated in a bottom-up way by individuals who perform search and navigation tasks in a future version of the digital world. The incentive to mine Social Bitcoins could sustain digital diversity, which mitigates the risk of totalitarian control by powerful monopolies of information and can create new business opportunities needed in times where a large fraction of current jobs is estimated to disappear due to computerisation. 

一个多维度的金融系统能够使个人、公司和国家都能从中获益。自上而下的控制结构在这个互联世界终将被淘汰,取而代之的是一种自下而上的价值创造,它将释放创造潜能和创新驱动。多种货币维度可以代表不同的外部性,因此这就使得那些能够培育出复杂动力系统自组织能力,并导致社会稳定和经济可持续的激励和反馈机制设计更有效。现代信息与通信的技术在这之中发挥着重要作用,例如Web 2.0和社交网络正前所未有地促进着人们的合作。



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